Monday, December 13, 2010


So Sunday was my 21st birthday, and to celebrate, Angie, my hermana, took me shopping andto sushi! She's the when it comes to sisters!
Anywayz, She invited me to a ZUMBATHON the next morning so, Saturday, Angie, Ali and I all went to Provo and went to a 2 hour Zumba class that was lead by most of the above instructors! Jocie De Corte lead the majority of the show and she is AMAZING! One day, I'll be as awesome as she is when it comes to leading classes! I'm pretty close!
I'll post the next zumbathon i hear about cause you ALL have to go! they're the funnest! It was 2 straight hours of just umba love and fun!

This is the LAST WEEK OF DECEMBER to come to class! Class will be cancelled the 21,24, 28 and 30th due to the holidays, and I will actually be Zumba-ing in PERU with the llamaz and stuff so I wont be around to teach!

As of now, your first class is FREE
so bring a friend and join the party!

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I'm thankful for...

...All those who take the time to read my blog and stuff, even though I hardly update it. haha

Today is THANKSGIVING and I just want to start off by saying this has been an amazing year! So much has happened, and for that I'm so grateful! I'm so grateful to have so many good friends and such an amazing family that has helped me through everything I've ever been through. I'm especially grateful to have the best husband in the world. Everyone says they have the greatest husband... but little do they know... I found him and I'm so happy to be with someone that's so fun and hilarious. There's never a dull moment with my family.
I'm so grateful to have such an amazing and eternal family.

Now to ZUMBA.

Over these holiday's it's important to  watch what we're eating cause there are so many temptations and yummy things and treats surrounding at every corner. Pie, Candy Corn, Candied Yams, Candy, Cake, Pie, Candy, CANDY, CANDY!!!

So I found a website that gave us a few 
Ways to Eat Healthy Over the Holidays.
Here you go.

Exercise. Many people have extra time off during the holidays. If you’re one of them, use that time to develop an exercise routine, or bump up your usual one. This will help burn off the extra calories you’ll be consuming, and could even turn into a good habit that you can carry over into 2011.
Portion Size. Don’t feel you have to deny yourself Aunt Judy’s sinful casserole because you know it’s loaded with fat. Especially if it’s a dish you only get to enjoy once a year, go ahead and enjoy it . . . in moderation. Serve yourself small portions of everything and eat slowly so you can savor every bite. An alternative approach: use the three bite rule. Limit yourself to three bites of anything unhealthy. That’s usually enough to satisfy a craving so you can move on to something else.

Strategies to Not Gain Weight at Parties

Don’t go to the party on an empty stomach. If you eat a healthy meal before heading out for a fun night, you’ll be less tempted to graze at the appetizer table. Fiber-rich foods will give you more staying power, and if you do fill up a plate at the party, try to include fruits and vegetables in the mix and use the three-bite rule for the bigger temptations.
Cook healthier for the holidays. If you have some control over the holiday meal, make a few simple changes to the recipes to make them healthier. Half-fat versions of things like sour cream and mayonnaise go unnoticed in dips and casseroles. Try grilling and steaming side dishes instead of frying, and cook with low-calorie spray oils instead of full fat versions. If you are contributing potluck style, bring a couple of dishes that you know you can enjoy, but won’t have to feel guilty about.
Just say no. Regardless of what your mother or Dear Abby may have told you, it’s okay to decline if you’re offered food when you’re not hungry. That plate of Christmas cookies on the table will serve just as nicely for the next guest. And when you are full, for goodness’ sake, stop eating, even if your plate isn’t empty. After all, that extra food isn’t doing anyone any good collecting around your waistline.
Center the celebration around something other than food. While you won’t be able to avoid every lavish family dinner, a get-together with friends could take place at an ice-skating rink, winter festival, or in your backyard in the form of a touch football game. Not only will everyone benefit from physical activity, but exercise also tends to curb the appetite, making it doubly good for you.
Start a new tradition. Lastly, take control of the holidays. If you are one of the adults in charge, it’s a great opportunity to set a good example for your (and others’) children by making family time healthier. Try doing a holiday craft with kids instead of baking tons of cookies. Replace the Christmas turkey and stuffing with a healthier dish (didn’t you all just have a big turkey dinner last month anyway?). Collect for a local food bank or involve the kids in a similar service project.
There are so many ways to make the holidays special. Be creative and focus on creating joy and memories instead of feasts. After all, isn’t that what the holidays are all about?

Read more at Suite101: 8 Ways to Eat Healthy Over the Holidays
There you have it ladies and gentleman. Eat right and find a dance party that you can use your Zumba moves to work off the holiday pounds.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Good thing I haven't blogged in a million years...


Love is great, and life is good. I'm married to my best friend, and it's the coolest thing to go to sleep and wake up and have the first person i see be my amazing husband. We had the best wedding day ever! We got married in the Timpanogos Temple on November 2nd, and it was sooooo cool to have such close friends and family there. It took so much not to cry! It was the most beautiful thing to be surrounded by friends and family and be sealed to Scott. I imagine that's how heaven will be. :)
After the ceremony, we went to a super yummy luncheon at the Northampton House in American Fork. SUPER DELICIOUS. There, we were also joined by close friends and family that we've been friends with for a million years.
We took a million pictures with our awesome photographers David Miller, and Alix Loosle, and took some sweet video footage with our video guy Justin Ahlman, and then was the reception. it was at the Alpine Arts Center and it was BEYOND a dream! Not even my dream reception looked that good! it was beautiful! We had over 500 people show up and it was CRAZY. Thanks to facebook, many more than we planned for showed up, but we were totally excited to see so many friends! The cake was amazing and my dad and I did the coolest daddy daughter dance in the WORLD pretty much. we're pretty much the best dancers ever. I did a little Zumba with the girls there and we ended the night. it went by WAY TOO FAST! I told scott i want to relive the entire day again for our one year anniversary, so Mom, start planning and sending out inviations again! haha jk
We spent the whole rest of the week in the happiest place on earth! DISNEYLAND! It was sooooo much fun! we went on every ride at least 3 times in Disneyland and California Adventure. It was probably the coolest honeymoon ever. AND it was the best time to go. As you'll see in the following picture, the lines were EMPTY.

Some rides, we'd get off and they'd let us just hop back on cause there was no one else in line and they needed to send the cars off. So, of course we were happy to volunteer! It was the BOMB.COM to be able to have gone and had so much fun.
We finished like every ride all 3 days within like 3-4 hours, so one afternoon, we went to my favotire beach, Balboa.
PS. Did i mention it was about 96 degrees the entire time?
PPS. Did i mention niether Scott or I planned for such awesome weather?
haha we went to the beach in long jeans and t shirts hahaha! But it was still so awesome.

I'm working to partner up with the Ladies Gym thing, Curves, to do Circut Zumba! it's going to be awesome.
Ever other song, you are on a machine toning for an entire song, and the other half of the time, you're dancing! AWESOME!
I'll fill you in when I find out the details!

I LOVE YOU ALL! I'll write more later this week! Now that I'm married, I have PLENTY of time to blog.

Love is beautiful.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

It's been too long...

So here's what's new!
NEON NIGHT was fantastic! We had 53 people show up and it was so amazing to have the crowd we did! I can't wait for this coming  Thursday for this month's neon night! so EVERYONE, plan on it! This time, prices are
one for $5
2 for $8
so plan on being there!

Also, on a personal note- I don't think i mentioned but I'm so excited i have to share with you!!

As of August 4th. Scott popped the question!
There's a pic of the ring! it's it awesome!? You're all invited to the reception! plan on November 2nd. (That's a Tuesday, so consider class relocated for that night to my reception.. hahaha) 
Can I just say that I'm the happiest girl in the world? Scott is the best guy a girl could have and I'm so lucky to be able to call him mine

Here are some song lyrics for my Scott.

Mine- Taylor Swift
You were in college, working part-time, waiting tables
Left a small town and never looked back
I was a flight risk, afraid of fallin'
Wondering why we bother with love, if it never lasts

I say, "Can you believe it?"
As we're lyin' on the couch
The moment, I can see it
Yes, yes, I can see it now

Do you remember, we were sittin' there, by the water?
You put your arm around me for the fist time
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine

Flash forward, and we're takin' on the world together
And there's a drawer of my things at your place
You learn my secrets and figure out why I'm guarded
You say we'll never make my parents' mistakes

But we got bills to pay
We got nothin' figured out
When it was hard to take
Yes, yes

This is what I thought about:
Do you remember, we were sittin' there, by the water?
You put your arm around me for the first time

You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine
Do you remember all the city lights on the water?
You saw me start to believe for the first time

And I remember that fight, two-thirty AM
You said everything was slipping right out of our hands
I ran out, crying, and you followed me out into the street

Braced myself for the goodbye, cause that's all I've ever known
Then, you took me by surprise
You said, "I'll never leave you alone."

You said, "I remember how we felt, sitting by the water.
And every time I look at you, it's like the first time.
I fell in love with a careless man's careful daughter.
She is the best thing that's ever been mine."

You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine

Do you believe it?
We're gonna make it now
And I can see it.

Watch the music video. You'll totally cry! I did! Here are some more pictures!
before I go, lets recap!
  2. RECEPTION November 2nd!
i love you all.

Sunday, August 15, 2010



This is going to be the sweetest party UTAH's ever seen!
We're doing Zumba BLACK LIGHT style!
Get your TUBE SOCKS and SWEAT BANDS and Stunner shades!
When - THURSDAY AUGUST 19th. (This Thursday)
Time- 8:00
139 South State Street Lindon
Price- $5.00
2 for $6.00
$30 - Month pass

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


ZUMBA gave us the chance to customize our ZUMBAWEAR. 
So i thought it'd be fun to share how to do so.
it looks way cool when it's done right, so here's some help on how to do it!
Love you all!
Keep dancing, and see you TUESDAYs & THURSDAYs at 8!

Monday, August 2, 2010


I love this song so i thought i'd share it with you- my fans. ;) haha


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fat Burning Foods

For your Target Dieting Needs..

i just thought you'd find it interesting.. That so much food that we eat every day is awesome for burning fat. Many people think that you have to down those weight loss drinks, or protein shakes and pills and stuff. 
Though these are awesome help to burning fat and gaining muscle, here are a few options you can explore to find what works best for YOU.

Body Shaping Foods
Fiber-rich Foods (whole grains, fruits, and vegetables) :Fiber helps reduce thigh fat when daily fiver levels average 26 grams. Scientists speculate that ample fiber helps escort excess estrogen from the body. Estrogen is partly responsible for laying down fat on the lower body, particularly in women.

Fish: Omega-2 fats in fish help reduce the size of fat cells in the body.

"Resistant Starches" (beans, legumes, barley, etc.): These special carbohydrates contain a unique type of dietary fiber that resists digestion. By replacing some of the normal starch with resistant starch, you burn up to 25% more fat every day.

Pretty cool hey? Try to use some of these in your regular meals and see what they do to help!
Make Dieting FUN.. Just because you're on a diet doesn't mean you can only eat rabbit food. Try different things to keep your diet interesting.


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Zumba Tip.

First off, can I just say how much I just LOVE my class!?
I announced the new diet and work out plan tonight and began weighing and measuring my students for our new goal to LOOSE WEIGHT and LOOSE INCHES and we're all going to do it TOGETHER.

So, I'm now going to start adding work out suggestions for your at home fitness training! If you have any suggestions of what you wanna hear, or learn that I can add to my blog, PLEASE let me know! I wanna help you, help yourself!

Zumba Tip #1
Beto Perez, the Zumba Papi Himself, says, 'Before you start [your Zumba work out], mentally put aside any concerns, worries or issues. Most people find Zumba to be a stress reliever. Use your workout to relax, clear your mind, and concentrate on your dancing.

That's tonight's tip!

If you're doing the ZUMBA DIET, make sure to start THIS WEEK, by starting a cleanse of the body! These feel AWESOME.
 Strictly GREEN VEGGIES. No starchy Veggies or fruits such as, potatoes, peas, carrots or oranges.
EAT PROTEIN aim for 25-30 grams of protein fer meal and in snacks. Expand your horizons and try different kinds of meat and nuts. 
This cleanse should last 5-7 days. You can do it as long as you want though! that's just up to you!
Contact me for any questions or concerns!

i love you all!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Time for Results!

It's time we add something new..

We've already experienced and loved the Zumba way of life, and look forward to class every week. But now it's time to add more reason to love my Zumba classes.
I'm now going to be doing personalized diets for loosing weight and gaining muscle and using the ZUMBA DIET that's set up for us by Beto Perez.
This diet is not restricting! It's different and it's effective! 
So, with this diet, I'll be setting up personalized menu's and daily work outs that will get you looking great in a faster, healthier and LASTING way; unlike those quick weight loss scams we're all trying to avoid! 
Here's now it works.
Every week, we'll measure and calculate how much you're loosing and figure out what else we can do to improve according to YOUR body type and health habits.
You'll have weekly assignment's and daily work outs to accomplish as well as comig to Zumba.
You'll be given a weekly menu of things to try and make work for YOU!

This is going to be unlike ANY Zumba class you'll find, because along with being FUN, you'll look better and feel better and get help on how to improve.
i love you! 
Get healthy, and Get HAPPY!
We start a new life THIS WEEK!

Monday, June 28, 2010

What a week

With Zumba kicking off better than hoped, I have been way to busy to blog! I look at peeps like my older sister who manages 2 blogs and I'm just in awe at her dedication. I'm not going to lie. I love reading and following blogs, but I'm terrible at keeping my own up!

So, in Zumba last week we had a ton if people! This business is growing despite my fear with TONS of Zumba competition building up all around me! Just driving down the street, you pass a million signs advertising a new Zumba class and it's scaring me to death! I've been advertising even harder and sending messages and invitations and really committing people to come, and it's paying off! Word of mouth has also been a huge help! Everyone that comes to my class spreads the word about Zumba and more and more are joining and coming and falling in love with Zumba.

Anyway, even though this is supposed to be an all Zumba blog, I just decided today that I'm going to just combine it with a real life blog kinda thing. I want to introduce you to some of my favorite people in my life.
Above is my favorite nefew Calving Alejandro and my puppy Dozer. They're a team now. Calvin's first word wasnt "mom" or "dad" - it was "Du!" (or Dozer). He's just learning how to walk and he turns a year old in a few weeks!
These kids are, my older sister, Angie, her husband D, or David, my baby sister Ami in the brown, and Ali in the white shirt holding baby Cal. David is a pro photographer, so if you ever need wedding pics or anything done, let me know and I'll give you his info! He's amazing!  My hermana Ange, or Chonch, is a florist and makes the prettiest arrangements ever! She and her friends are currently running a flower business, so if you have a wedding coming up, you get a double deal. Ange will do your flowers and Dave can do your pics! (My family's so talented!) Ali it's a left handed math brain. She's really smart and way funny and has the best attitude about everything! she's fun to joke with and knows how to have fun! Ami is the baby. She get everything she wants, and though she can be a poop when it comes to chores, she's fun and she's a loving little girl! She's determined to buy herself a horse soon and she is running her own business to earn money for that goal, selling rocks and feathers. haha
This handsome young man is my little brother Erik. He's a cutie. He can make any bad situation a joke! He's so witty and so quick to snap at you with a joke or a diss! haha! He wants to go into psychology or something like unto it. He's a brilliant boy, a great listener, and a talented musician. :)

 This is my Ami, Mom and me! My mom is hilarious. She's so sarcastic! She's money smart and she's always had my back through every stupid move. She's a great listener and she gives great advice. Though I've had my times that I dont feel like listening or times where I giver her attitude, she's still loving and still supportive of me in everything I do! She's always at my Zumba classes and she's been so good to me and my siblings!
This is my dad and his collection of bibles. He LOVES his scriptures. My dad is the most talented man I know. He's smart, he's cute and bald. He has a testimony of the LDS church and will never deny it. He has a million stories! He know's so so much about everything and he's always around to be a dad. If you ask, I'm bot my parents favorite of course. hahaha ;)

Last! My cute boyfriend, Scott! He's the sweetest boy in the world! He has always been super kind to me and makes me the happiest I've ever been! My family loves him and so do I. He's always around to give a good hug or to talk. He's a great listener! (even when i tell the same story over and over.. which i kind of do .. a lot...) He's FUN! He's a dare devil! Scott loves snowmobiling and he's not afraid to push the limits when it comes to motorsports. Scott is smart! He's a good student, and he's a handiman! He can fix anything!

Anyway, that's my family! It's about time you finally meet all of them! I hope you liked todays blog even though it wasnt all ZUMBA!

Keep dancing!
i love you all!
Song of the day - El Amor by Tito El Bambino

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Waka Waka

i have been having a blast teaching for this last month and have had way more success than i thought i would! so thank you all so much for everyone who's been coming to class and dancing and partying with me! i've been finding new songs and makin more dances for this coming week!
i've been taking new ZUMBA TSHIRTS to class with me! they're $20 bucks and they're SUPER HAWT! so bring yer cash and come buy shirts and look hawt with us!

i'd also like to put a plug out there for the FIFA WORLD CUP! it's been amazing and i'm so excited to watch the world come together to play the best sport ever! SOCCER!
if you haven't heard Shakira's world cup song, i'd invite you all to do so, immediately, and also look up her 1GOAL program she's got going on and participate in that!
i love you all!

Monday, June 7, 2010

AW yeah!

Opening last week was the BOMB.COM!
Thanks so much to everyone who came! I was so excited to see ma new friends from the Wal and the rest of you who came to support me! We had a party for sure!
Dont forget tho, that the opening isn't the end! I'll be at the same studio for like 6 months. So, you all have plenty of time to join us!
In other news, I've been super excited to announce that in about a week, I'll have some sweet T-Shirts with me at the studio to sell!
I'm going to have them for only $20 so bring yer cash and bring a friend. You are all going to look so hawt in class! haha

PS. i also decided that since you're all probably going to become as addicted to the awesome music we dance to, I'll leave you with a song of the day..
 SONG OF THE DAY! "California Girls"- Katy Perry.


Thursday, June 3, 2010


139 South State Street
Lindon, UT
Tonight, admission will only be $3 unless you buy a month pass, then tonight is free! Not only would tonight be free though, but you'll get a $5 discount on your month pass, so instead of paying $30, you'll only pay $25 dollars tonight ONLY!
Bring a friend!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Oh Em Gee

The count down continues as we await the opening of my Zumba Class!
Dont forget everyone! The opening is next thursday, June 3rd!
Mark your calendars! invite all friends, moms, grandmas, dad's grandpas, and all family!

I'm so excited to finally get started for real!
ALSO, BRING CASH! We'll be taking orders for ZumbaWear and also selling month passes!
and just remember the PINK ZUMBA CARGO's are on sale for $50! which is CRAZY seeing as they're usually 70 dollars. WOO! if that's not a bargain, I don't know what is!

In conclusion, bring...

Family and friends.
Clothes to sweat in.
ZumbAwesome attitude!

i love you all!

Monday, May 17, 2010


PINK ZUMBA PANTS for only $50!!!!
Send me a message right now on my facebook and we'll get them ordered before my zumba party so you can get em and wear em there! Zumba's all about lookin and feeling hawt! hahaha so step one- GET THESE PANTS FOR THE LOWEST PRICED PANTS YOU"LL FIND!

i love you all. :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

now i'm jus bored...

i wanted to dedicate this blog to Zumba only.. but i'm so bored right now and i'm just sitting here at the computer i just thought i'd write. isn't that what bloggers do anyway? just write? haha

well, today was a kinda crazy day. i took my sister and her friend NEON shopping for some hawt school dance coming up and so that and figuring out stuff about the studio spot i'm opening and school kinda got me all crazy. i've been itching to do something fun different. something FUN! (not that zumba isnt fun, but something.. new? old?)
i used to hit karaoke with ma gurl Heather B at Pirate Island, like every thursday. it was the best! we'd go after work together and sing, drink some drinks and play guitar hero and other games at the arcade there and then.. that tradish kinda faded. haha those were the days, i'm telling you. i've been itching to hit up some karaoke, and STAT.

anyways, i was totally planning on going tonight, but i forgot i have like a choir thang that goes on every thursday. (how do i forget that? my dad's the director? haha)
i've also been itchin to go dancing (also at Pirate). i love hittin up some bachata with ma dance bud J Choc. (we're also pretty much rappers so..) we're pretty much awesome. we do all kinds of crazy turns and moves and bailes. i love it! but tomorrow, instead of going Bachata-ingggg, i'm hittin up...
Drum Roll PLEASE!?-- The Veenker Pageant. hahaha! pretty much the cutest thing in the world. My boy,  Scott's family invited my lil sister and me to join them for their annual pageant! i'm so excited! they do the whole talent and evening wear competitions! i'll for sure put up pictures! i'm so excited! my sister has been preparing like all day! she's working so hard on her talent, and she's been telling me all day how she wants her hair to be perfect, etc. she's hilarious! i cant wait till tomorrow night! it's gonna be a partay! i think we're gonna work some ZUMBA in the end of the pageant and so that's always a bonus!

anyways, well i'd better be off. i hope that some one's reading this. haha thank you internet for listening to me while the rest of the world is too busy to.
i love you all.
zumba loves you too.
Picture of the day. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


K Ya'll! here's the deal! like i mentioned before, here are some Zumba cargo's! they're super hawt, and make yer butt look amazing! haha! the tassels are awesome cause when you move and shake, they shake with you!
they're super light and they dont absorb sweat so they dont get all sticky and gross like other workout clothing!
Here's how you order!
Send me a message here or on facebook or via email, and if ya'll want any clothes, get the funds to me and i'll put in an order! tell yer friends to order clothes cause the more we order the quicker they come!

Cargo's are $60

Tanks are $20

Let me know which color and size! they fit really snug around the waist and are long and baggyyyy. personally, i wear a small or medium! it's all on what you think is comfortable!
LOVE YOU! Order quick!!


I just got word that i now have a spot at a studio-BEYOND SPORTS TAEKWONDO in Lindon! so now i'ma be a legit instructor in a legit studio! WOO!

Classes begin the first Thursday in JUNE and we'll be kickin it off with a mega boss zumba party! we'll have clothes to sell, and door prizes, and i'll be selling month passes, so if ya'll wanna get a discount on your first month with me, Bring cash or check and come! and it's going to be a magical night! I'm SO EXCITED right now!

i'll put up more details this week and will be putting up fliers all over so if ya'll wanna help me advertise, i'll LOVE YOU FOREVER!

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Plan

Here's the story:

For the last couple weeks i've had the awesome opportunity to teach ZUMBA at Oak Canyon Jr., Timpanogos High School, and Orem Jr.
i'm toooootally loving it! i've been spreading the word and the love all around and i feel like a rock star when i walk into the mall or even into a walmart and hear, "Look! it's the Zumba lady! she's AWESOME!" haha
i get goose bumps just thinking about it. but now that i've been teaching and seeing the excitement and enthusiasm there is for such a great work out, my plan is to open up my own place!
i found the studio.
i just need to go in and sign some papers and we're set!

soooo, NOW the plan is, take this studio, and open up with a massive ZUMBA PARTY! WOOO! I wanna have a mega huge party with Merch to sell, Protein bars and shakes, and of course ZUMBA! i'm so exited! tell all your friends cause the way this planning is going, this is gonna be a HEEEECKA tight party! :)
More updates coming soon!
until then, Keep dancing!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


K ya'll here's the deal!
The Best parts of ZUMBA are
1. The Music
2. The Atmosphere.

I'm selling the Tank tops for $20 and the Cargo pants (which are amazing might i say!) for 60 which is actually a discounted price off the retail on the website! if ya'll are interested, send me a message on my facebook--

I'm Legit :)

I never thought I'd see the day, that I'd finally become a blogger?
I'm Andrea, and I'm a Zumba Instructor and I absolutely love it!

Reasons I love Zumba:
  • You feel hawt.
  • Look hawt.
  • Burn the a 3 mile run worth of calories, in a 50 minute work out
  • Anyone can do it!
  • It leaves you HAPPY!!
Reasons I love being an Instructor:
  • Everybody smile's back. :)
  • You're a fitness hero.
  • You look hawt.
  • Feel hawt.
  • You make EVERYONE happy!
Zumba has been the funnest work out ever. It's the best thing that has happened to me so far, and i'm loving spreading the word and Zumba Love all over schools in Utah County! This has been quite the ride so far, and it's only just begun!


  • Change the world... One Zumba class at a time.