Monday, June 28, 2010

What a week

With Zumba kicking off better than hoped, I have been way to busy to blog! I look at peeps like my older sister who manages 2 blogs and I'm just in awe at her dedication. I'm not going to lie. I love reading and following blogs, but I'm terrible at keeping my own up!

So, in Zumba last week we had a ton if people! This business is growing despite my fear with TONS of Zumba competition building up all around me! Just driving down the street, you pass a million signs advertising a new Zumba class and it's scaring me to death! I've been advertising even harder and sending messages and invitations and really committing people to come, and it's paying off! Word of mouth has also been a huge help! Everyone that comes to my class spreads the word about Zumba and more and more are joining and coming and falling in love with Zumba.

Anyway, even though this is supposed to be an all Zumba blog, I just decided today that I'm going to just combine it with a real life blog kinda thing. I want to introduce you to some of my favorite people in my life.
Above is my favorite nefew Calving Alejandro and my puppy Dozer. They're a team now. Calvin's first word wasnt "mom" or "dad" - it was "Du!" (or Dozer). He's just learning how to walk and he turns a year old in a few weeks!
These kids are, my older sister, Angie, her husband D, or David, my baby sister Ami in the brown, and Ali in the white shirt holding baby Cal. David is a pro photographer, so if you ever need wedding pics or anything done, let me know and I'll give you his info! He's amazing!  My hermana Ange, or Chonch, is a florist and makes the prettiest arrangements ever! She and her friends are currently running a flower business, so if you have a wedding coming up, you get a double deal. Ange will do your flowers and Dave can do your pics! (My family's so talented!) Ali it's a left handed math brain. She's really smart and way funny and has the best attitude about everything! she's fun to joke with and knows how to have fun! Ami is the baby. She get everything she wants, and though she can be a poop when it comes to chores, she's fun and she's a loving little girl! She's determined to buy herself a horse soon and she is running her own business to earn money for that goal, selling rocks and feathers. haha
This handsome young man is my little brother Erik. He's a cutie. He can make any bad situation a joke! He's so witty and so quick to snap at you with a joke or a diss! haha! He wants to go into psychology or something like unto it. He's a brilliant boy, a great listener, and a talented musician. :)

 This is my Ami, Mom and me! My mom is hilarious. She's so sarcastic! She's money smart and she's always had my back through every stupid move. She's a great listener and she gives great advice. Though I've had my times that I dont feel like listening or times where I giver her attitude, she's still loving and still supportive of me in everything I do! She's always at my Zumba classes and she's been so good to me and my siblings!
This is my dad and his collection of bibles. He LOVES his scriptures. My dad is the most talented man I know. He's smart, he's cute and bald. He has a testimony of the LDS church and will never deny it. He has a million stories! He know's so so much about everything and he's always around to be a dad. If you ask, I'm bot my parents favorite of course. hahaha ;)

Last! My cute boyfriend, Scott! He's the sweetest boy in the world! He has always been super kind to me and makes me the happiest I've ever been! My family loves him and so do I. He's always around to give a good hug or to talk. He's a great listener! (even when i tell the same story over and over.. which i kind of do .. a lot...) He's FUN! He's a dare devil! Scott loves snowmobiling and he's not afraid to push the limits when it comes to motorsports. Scott is smart! He's a good student, and he's a handiman! He can fix anything!

Anyway, that's my family! It's about time you finally meet all of them! I hope you liked todays blog even though it wasnt all ZUMBA!

Keep dancing!
i love you all!
Song of the day - El Amor by Tito El Bambino

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