Monday, August 15, 2011

Bikini Body Journey

So I wanted to show off some pictures of my progress and weight loss I've experienced in the last few months! It's been pretty awesome to track changes thru pictures! I'm working on a rock hard body with a CRAZY diet right now so more pics in like 2 weeks SO GET EXCITED!!! Here we go!


Not gonna lie. I'm really proud of my progress! I put these up on Facebook and got the CRAZIEST responses. 
Friends all asking me to train them and what me secret is and what secret diet I've been on... here's the secret...

Sticking to the food pyramid.
15 grams of protein per meal.
6 small meals a day.
(alternating a lot of different types of work outs INCLUDING STRENGTH TRAINING!) 
  There it is people. It's not impossible! Just forget the QUICKIE DIETS and those magic pills. It all just takes time and a few little changes. Everything you learned in your school health class is pretty much all correct! SO DO IT!
i love you all! 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The beginning of the end.

It's been over a year since I've started teaching Zumba, and so far there have been so many blessings and great opportunities I've had in teaching at high schools, and being in parades and meeting people along the way that have gotten me amazing jobs doing the best job anyone could ask for.

I was just hired to teach Zumba at BYU! Monday and Wednesday nights at 6 pm.

and with THAT the sad news.

Because of this new amazing opportunity, I will be dropping my night classes at Beyond Sports Taekwondo, or my Lindon class.
I've been there since last June and all the people there have been AMAZING. Taralyn Sorenson is the most amazing/inspiring woman you'll meet. Working with her and her daughter Whitnee has been amazing. They've put up with my craziness and they've helped so much to keep me in business when my classes were an EPIC FAIL.   They've given me advice and have motivated me when I'd have a hard time and when I needed help with ANYTHING, they've always helped me. 
All the people that work or attend that taekwondo studio have been so amazing and i'm so grateful for the friendships I've made with all those there. 

Hopefully we'll have more parties there or we'll be able to bring it back later in the year or next year. 
Beyond Sports has been my safe place.. MY corner to just be ME and to meet friends and people who have also inspired me to be better in every way. I love all of you and hope that you'll be able to join me at the PG Rec or anywhere else i get to teach cause it's all you that have made my experience there worth while.

Lets make this a great last month! Tuesday and Thursday nights at 8 pm.
Your first time is STILL free.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

i can't believe...

That so many people have been actually READING my blog? That's so amazing to me! I got the most amazing feeling when I found the tab that let me read comments! Haha! How did I never see that!?

SOOO many blonde moments!

So I'm at work and have started watching the Bachelorette. I'm not gonna lie. Even tho I'll probably never admit it, I LOVE reality shows. Embarrassing! The Biggest Loser is what started me on this Reality show thing. I've been watching them since, and honestly I accredit a lot my my weight loss to the Biggest Loser. Why? Because I think it was total Motivation to never gain weight like that.
My brother, Erik found this app called FatBooth hahah! It's the worst app ever. It's hilarious, but it totally woke me up to the reality of what I'd look like if I gave up on my health and fitness.

This is the worst thing I've ever seen. I thought it was funny for a bit, but the more i see it, the more i wonder is, if i continued gaining weight after i got married, or if I didn't turn around in January and start eating better and working out, would this be what I would be heading to? 

It's crazy to think that not only are we losing weight when we eat right and stuff, but when you count how much weight you COULD have gained? I was gradually gaining like 3 lbs a week... 
So that's like 26 weeks or something? 
26 x 3 lbs = 78... 78 potential lbs... so I'd be almost 200 lbs...  
I COULD have looked like this...

So when you look at how great you look and how much you've lost in these last months, don't only count the numbers you've lost.. but add in the numbers of how much you COULD have gained with it.  
Makes you feel even SKINNIER!

Back to the Bachlelorette, Bentley's a douche, and She needs to get over him. She's surrounded by hotties and has no reason to be sad over Bentley cause she knew from day 1 he was there for the wrong reasons...

anyway, I LOVE YOU ALL! 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

When I'm Rich...

I will have a HUGE HOUSE with all the below...

  • A HUGE garage for Scott and his Projects and all our collectible cars.
  • A gym like the one on Biggest Loser or at 24 Hour Fitness for me and all my friends and family.
  • A craft room.. in case I ever decide to ever become a crafty lady.
  • Large Jetted Tub in the master bathroom
  • Also a fancy bathroom like the one on The Blindeside.
  • HUGE bedroom with a closet like Hugh Grant has in 2 Weeks Notice
  • Heated outdoor Pool also with a hot tub on the side
  • Aerobics room for Zumba Purposes
  • Sweet Jungle gym/ropes course, and batting cages for the kids
  • The beach as my back yard...
And that's it for now i


Monday, June 13, 2011

Do it.

If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse. - Jim Rohn

Awesome quote right?
I like this because I was actually thinking about it today. So many of us complain and complain about things. Example- Our weight.
Haha, as an instructor I see this a TON. There's nothing wrong with complaining, as long as you work to change it or work to gain it. Have you ever seen friends on facebook say somethin like
"no matter what, I'll never lose this weight!"
so what do we do? OFFER HELP!
"I go walking every morning you should come!"
when they respond "actually i don't wanna walk. i don't like excercise and i don't wanna limit myself with a diet."

Uhhh, so don't whine if you're not willing to work for results! haha
Congrats to all of you that want something, and find a way to obtain it! Lets all try a little harder to pick a goal and find every way to obtain it! Whether it's in your physical goals or school or anything! Mine this year is to  train to run a half Marathon next year cause i STINK at running hahaha so I'm hoping to improve on that!
What are your goals?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's all about attitude.

Today's topic is based on my experiences in this last week.

I've been really frustrated for a while, and this doesn't have anything to do with dieting or exercise, but it affects it in a way I guess.

This week, I had a realization. No matter how much you try and try, somethings you just never get the way you want.

My experience:
I've been having a hard time with someone i know. 
Have you ever worked really hard to try and like someone or something so bad that you do all you can to be extra nice or extra considerate but they really don't care? Still, they complain that "You just don't like me huh?".

Lesson about me.
I hate drama. Also, I can't stand a bad attitude.

I guess this is the first time I'm using my blog to complain, and I'm sorry. Its been a rough week. 
You're probably still confused about what i'm saying or just wanting me to explain or tell the story.
Get to the point Andrea...

So I met someone that I haven't liked since day one. Ask anyone- I've never felt like that toward anyone and I've always been a pretty open minded person.. but this time i don't know why it was different.
I told the husband i didn't approve of this someone. "Give them a chance, you're always so judgmental"  
which, no I really don't think i am.. :/ Let me know if you think i'm wrong too tho...
So i play nice. I invite them to everything. and i mean EVERYTHING.
no go.
I help them out when they're having a hard time once and for a minute i thought "hey, maybe i WAS wrong about you."
The next time i see them, i try to talk like we did that one hard day.. and i'm wrong again.
"just kidding. i knew it was too good to be true."
I try again.
I invite you to more. you say next time or something.
another excuse.
I throw you a party i really didn't have to plan or spend money on. 
No worries tho. i didn't expect you come anyway.

 I guess I really don't need to be as nice to you as i have been.
I was right about you since the beginning. 

Readers, I'm not a bitter person. hahaha even tho that statement probably really made me look like i am. I love everyone or i wouldn't have tried so hard to befriend that person if i didnt. I have the rest of you that actually like being with me and all you that are my real friends.
That's the only way i've been able to keep going forward with a good attitude. it's all you that make my days worth it and no matter how frustrated i get, you've always been there to give me a smile or high five. Attitude is everything. You've all helped me keep that. No matter what happens, who hurts you, or anything else that's negative, keep your head up. 
It gets better.
plus, all those that you're nice to and don't like you back just gains you double the heaven points- which we all like.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Needs New...

  1. Zumba Clothes.
  2. Zumba Shoes (Nike Dunks).
  3. Normal Shoes.
  4. Normal Clothes.
  5. A Zumba Onsie for Yogi.
  6. Music.
  7. Choreography
Uh.. I think that's pretty much it...

I just need new! It's about time to start new! I figure that the more often I start over on projects and other things around me I get double the motivation. I get double the energy and TRIPLE the drive to do it all. I need to start again.
I was super frustrated these last couple weeks cause I've hit yet another Plateau on my journey to a rockin bod so here's where I get in trouble.
My problem is, when I'm frustrated with something, I either drop whatever I was doing and never look back, or, I obsess over it and almost make it an addiction. There's never been an in between for me. Never.
So of course I don't want to give up now that I'm so close to my Rockin' Bod.
 Instead I train harder.
Lift Heavier
Sweat More
and go so far as to pushing myself to do at LEAST 3-4 hours a DAY of working out just to FEEL SOMETHING. Just to feel like i worked out. To feel a burn. To feel SORE.
After a week of working out like this i called my favorite trainer- DAD.
He told me I was being dumb for doing all this to my body and explained that I'm simply OverTraining.

For all you who are feeling the same, here are the symptoms according to my Personal Training Study book of Over Training.

Sudden drop in performance



•Decrease in training capacity / intensity

Moodiness and irritability


•Loss of enthusiasm for the sport

•Decreased appetite

A compulsive need to exercise

So there you have it ma friends. It IS possible to overwork to the point of your body really just giving up so you don't go on anymore. I realized that my body needs a break, therefore my dad told me to not work out at all for at least Friday thru today, even tho I Kind of broke the rule and worked out today. But that's just what happens. Results of Over Training are, a Hult in Performance, Fat Gain, and so many more NO ONE WANTS!
If you think you're not getting the results you should be getting look at your routine, if you notice you're looking heavier the more you workout or your fat percentage has increased, step back and workout less. do a half time workout with twice or more the weight with half the sets/reps, or give it 3-5 days before your next workout.
Give your body a break!

Love you all!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Anti Crunch Abs!

Hey everyone! 
It's me of course!
Today I'm gonna share a little bit of a secret with you. I follow my favorite personal trainer, Mat Grover, and on his website he shared this awesome chunk of information that I KNOW you will all love to hear.
He shared several myths about ab work, including one that stood out to me most-

Q: "Does lots of abs work to preferentially burn off stomach fat?
Spot reduction doesn’t work. You can’t just work the muscles of a certain area of your body and expect to have the fat in that region go away. Think about it: millions of gym goers do crunches but proportionately very few people perform total body workouts. So, with all of these crunches, we’d expect to see nothing but people with flat tummies and fat everywhere else on their body (arms, legs, etc.). But think of how many people you see at the gym in the “ab section” doing crunches and sit ups but still have more than a few inches to lose in their midsection. See what I mean- spot reduction doesn’t work!

So what you're telling me is that we are forever told that crunches and sit ups every day will give you flat abs? and it DOESNT? Crazy. Except that makes sense! 
You see, our goal in the weight loss and toning department isn't just to get a flat tummy. We want to look good all over right? Total body workouts are the way to go! So for all you spending hours each weak just on crunches- STOP! And lets talk about how to get your tummy flat by using the rest of your body to do so.
Here are some ab helps from "Mat the Trainer" aka, my fitness hero, on how to get the body you want INCLUDING your sexy summer abs!

The Anti-Crunch Six-Pack Abs Blueprint:

Step#1- Lose the fat that is covering your abs so that you can see them

A.) The 10 Habits of Highly Lean Eaters (also good for optimum performance and overall good health)

1.  Eat every 2-4 hrs, that means 5-6 meals a day
2.  Eat lean protein with every meal about 20-30gr per meal
3.  Eat veggies with every meal, and have a couple of servings of fruit every day
4.  Eat other carbs (breads, pasta, rice) only within 1-2 hours of intense exercise
5.  Don’t drink your calories, the exception being a workout shake, or a meal replacement shake that follows rules 2,3 and 6
6.  Eat healthy fats throughout the day (everyone should supplement with fish oil)
7.  Focus on whole foods
8.  Plan out your nutrition and prepare your food
9.  Plan on not following the rules 10% of the time (cheat meals)
10.  Don’t eat the same thing everyday, have variety in your diet  

B.) Train to lose fat and elevate metabolism

- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday- Perform Total Body Circuit Strength Training

Sample Total Body Circuit Strength Workout- 20 Minutes (not including five minute warm-up and cool-down)

50-10 Interval Five Exercise Total Body Circuit- You will alternate between 50 seconds of work and 10 s of rest for each exercise in the following five-exercise circuit. Perform this 5-minute circuit up to four times for a 20-minute total body workout:

Exercise Category
Exercise Variation
Double-Leg: Bilateral Hip-Dominant
Hip Extensions
Push: Horizontal Push
Push-up Variation
Single-Leg: Unilateral Knee-Dominant
Single-Leg Wall Sit
Pull: Horizontal Pull
Body Weight Rows
Core: Linear Stabilization or Trunk-Dominant
Upper Body Twist Variation

- Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday- Perform Cardio Interval Training

Sample Cardio Interval Training Workout- 20 Minutes (not including five minute warm-up and cool-down)

30-30’s- You will alternate between 30 seconds of maximum effort and 30 s of active recovery. You will perform this 1-minute round up to 20x for 20 total minutes. You can perform this workout on your cardio machine of choice (airdyne or spin bike, running, etc.) or by alternating between the following body weight cardio exercises for the ultimate in-home workout:

Body Weight Cardio Variation
Body Weight Cardio Exercise
Locomotion Emphasis
Stationary Running
Locomotion Emphasis
Jumping Jacks Variation

Step#2- Train your abs based on their true function: STABILIZATION

Below is one of my boot camp client’s favorite (and most hated) core workouts. It involves no crunches or sit-ups by using all pillar stabilization exercises. Once you master these killer moves and follow everything else I previously listed above, you will have a sweet pair of rock hard abs to show for it… I guarantee it!

The 4 Point Core Workout- Tabata Style

This 20-minute total body core workout focuses entirely on pillar stabilization. The pillar collectively consists of your shoulders, hips, and core. It is your body’s powerhouse and is foundational to all movement.

For each exercise below you will alternate between 20 s of work and 10 s of rest. You will repeat this 30-second sequence eight times for four total minutes followed by a one minute rest and transition before moving on to the next exercise listed.

For maximum benefits, you must seek to maintain a tall, tight spinal position (remember kneel & reach) during all movements by actively pulling your navel to your spine, engaging your glutes, and maintaining a straight line from the heels through the shoulders. The following coaching cues work really well for our clients:
“Suck in your gut – tilt your belt buckle – be flat like a diving board.”

Exercise#1- Plank Variation (static or dynamic)

Exercise#2- Left Side Plank Variation (static or dynamic)

Exercise#3- Right Side Plank Variation (static or dynamic)

Exercise#4- Reverse Plank Variation (static or dynamic)


Lets get our butts in gear and get looking hawt together! For help with ideas for a total body work out, email me at and lets get together and WORK IT!
Contact Mat Grover if you're looking for the best personal trainer!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So I just got working at a cute lil shop in Lindon called Tomlinson Graphics and I'm in charge of all the online affairs. 
Therefore, I've been forced to become tech savvy which I haven't had reason to be for a very long time. Today's project was a website called Tumblr.

Not gonna lie,
it's a pretty sweet website. 
It's kind of like a blog/ Twitter that's meant to inspire and to show off cool things you find throughout the day or things you just find as you're wandering other Tumblr accounts.
Everyone go check it out!

On a Zumba note, I'm not gonna lie to you. I'm getting devastated with how much my night class has dropped in attendance. I miss having the packed classes I did at the beginning of the year. 
Has everyone just given up on their resolutions?
Do my people even like Zumba anymore?
I really miss my Zumba family i was building up.
Friends, come back. Zumba will never be the same without you.

I'm teaching a FREE Zumba class at Nordstrom on Saturday Morning 8:30- 9:30! Nordstrom in OREM at the University Mall so EVERYONE GO!

On an everything else note:
Today looks so sad outside. 
I hate sad weather. 
So, Naturally I tried to get over it by dancing in the office at work. I'm all alone most of the time, so I thought!
Here's the story.
I turned on the radio and on comes a classic 80's song that EVERYONE loves- Footloose by Kenny Loggins.
I turn it up and i start dancing all over the place just rockin out and loving every moment of it when 
one of the employees from the Dentist office next door walks in on my playing my air guitar...
(me beat red.)
Lady: Um, we all love Kenny Loggins but could you turn it down a little?
Me: I was just boogie-ing... cause I boogie when it rains and.. umm Won't happen again..
Lady leaves.
No more Footloose in the Office! 

Come back to Zumba everyone!
 Love you all!

Monday, May 9, 2011


Last Saturday we attended a Master Class with DEEJAY FRANCIS! Beto Perez's own DJ! It was so awesome! The energy was full and it was amazing to be surrounded by ZUMBA FANATICS!
It was a blast! They had Jocie, Cecilia, Diosa and Karine teaching and they were all amazing!
I imagine that's almost as awesome as the conventions except probably a MILLION times fuller and crazier! I'm beyond bummed i can't go to the convention this year, BUT NEXT YEAR FOR SURE! I'm already saving for it! 

As for INSANITY! Last week was awful! I was sick all week and could hardly work out cause my body was just shutting down the entire week. I still managed to work out as much as my body would let me so this is week 3! I've already done my second fit test today and I'm already seeing a LOT of progress, ESPECIALLY in my LOOKS! 
check out this picture showing I actually have some definition in my arms! WHAT!?

It's coming along! I'm feeling so awesome about myself! I'm looking better than i ever have before and I'm so excited about that! I love being able to wear anything!
Last night, i had the urge to try on my wedding dress. It's a lace up back and we had to tie it all the way tight to fit me and it was STILL about 3 inches too big! BEST FEELING EVER! 
I'm pretty bummed though that I couldn't look like this my wedding day, but being able to feel that dress be bigger than me, was the best feeling! I have almost accomplished all my fitness goals EXCEPT the midsection! I've measured and since my wedding my waist and tummy have gone down about 7 inches which is awesome! HOPEFULLY I'll have a flat tummy in time to bikini season. haha I've never been able to wear a bikini so just having the body to wear one would be KILLER. 
Every swimsuit season has been really hard for me. last year was okay but I've never been able to not be embarrassed of how i look at the pool and I've always worn T-Shirts and board shorts over all my swim suits, but NOT THIS YEAR! I'm going to work this body right to wear whatever i want, and BE PROUD OF IT!
Almost there!
I love you all! Keep working toward your fitness goals and if you want to join me on my fitness journey message me on facebook and we'll get started!
Here are some more pics of Saturdays event! UNTIL NEXT TIME!

Have an amazing day everyone!

Monday, May 2, 2011

6 Months in the Making...

6 Months ago today, Scott and I were MARRIED!
Now, I know a bunch of you think 6 months isn't that big of a deal, but i wanna say it totally is!
So, to make this short and sweet...
I love this boy,
I think he's grand.
I love the way he holds my hand.
i love you boy forever more 
lets celebrate this 6 month... something that rhymes with More. 
haha dang it I was onto something I thought!

Love you Scott Veenker!

 Don't you worry there my honey
We might not have any money
But we've got our love to pay the bills

Maybe I think you're cute and funny

Maybe I wanna do want bunnies do with you if you know what I mean

Oh lets get rich and buy our parents homes in the south of France

Lets get rich and give everybody nice sweaters and teach them how to dance
Lets get rich and build a house on a mountain making everybody look like ants
From way up there, you and I, you and I

Well you might be a bit confused

And you might be a little bit bruised
But baby how we spoon like no one else
So I will help you read those books
If you will soothe my worried looks
And we will put the lonesome on the shelf

Lets get rich and buy our parents homes in the south of France

Lets get rich and give everybody nice sweaters and teach them how to dance
Lets get rich and build a house on a mountain making everybody look like ants
From way up there, you and I, you and I

Lets get rich and buy our parents homes in the south of France

Lets get rich and give everybody nice sweaters and teach them how to dance
Lets get rich and build a house on a mountain making everybody look like ants
From way up there, you and I, you and I

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pure Insanity.

I need this shirt.

I have just taken upon myself the INSANITY Challenge. the prize? This sweet T shirt.  You can only get it if you complete the 60 day challenge and send in before and after pictures.
Today is day 3 of my work out and i need to say it's FREAKIN HARD! The people in the work out are like killer sweaty and stuff so that just goes to show me that no matter how awesome yer body will look after, you'll still get a killer work out every time you do INSANITY. 

I have pushed back my beach Body Goal a month from May 1st, to hopefully June 20th. 
My INSANITY 60 day goal is June 26th so HOPEFULLY by then I'll have a body I can go to Seven Peaks in and not be embarrassed of wearing a swim suit! THAT"S THE ULTIMATE GOAL!
I'm so excited! 
I LOVE a good challenge so I'm excited to keep going!
In doing this program though it's been way tempting to quit even after just 3 days, 
but I keep cheering myself on saying out loud "ABS, ARMS, LEGS!" 
Those are my main targets.
to doing something you know is way hard.
Lets do something INSANE together.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Your Best You..

I heard something awesome the other day that's been weighing on my mind for this entire week. It's a quote by Olympic Track Runner and Creator of INSANITY workout, Sean T. He said something to the likeness of 
"Stop looking for people you want to look like. You'll NEVER look like them because there's only one them and one you. You'll only look like the best you, NEVER like anyone else so don't aim to be someone else, be your best YOU"

I think it rang true to me because I've become so obsessed with working out trying to reach this fitness goal of having a beach body by May 1st that I've lost sight of why I had this goal in the first place. I had the idea that if I work hard I'll have that hot Jillian Michaels body.

When in reality, that's a CRAZY GOAL. According to my genes and just the way my body is built, there's no way I'll look like her.
BUT, that's totally fine with me.
I'm not quitting my goal. I'm going to change my perspective and reset my path so i look like my best ME. The best Andrea Veenker I can be.
I challenge you all to do the same.
Love you all.
(PS I'm saving to do Sean T's INSANITY work out! Check it out! It's not for everyone but it's worth a shot!)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Our Bundle of Joy!

Well everyone! I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of out little family! YOGI BEAR. He's a lil Yorkie and we were lucky enough to have found him through my sister in law, Yennifer! He's been so fun to have around! It's quite the change to go from being lonely during the day, to coming home to a lil guy who's happy to see you ALL THE TIME! 
i LOVE IT! He's so happy all the time! The training is the hard part! It's all a work in progress though! BABY STEPS!

Also I wanted to thank the Springville Zumba Crew for putting on the Child Rescue Zumbathon! It was a total success and it was so fun to be able to back up our lovely amiga, La Osorio! she's AMAZING! The cutest girl in the world! haha we're waiting on some pics from the event and hopefully we'll have some video footage!

Here's a picture of my back at the Zumbathon. hahaha

Also I wanted to make you aware of the following events coming up! FIRST OFF 
The Pleasant Grove Rec Center is putting on a GIRLS NIGHT OUT! It's for all you lovely ladies that 
are stuck at home while all the boys go to Priesthood session! It's going to be a BLAST!
They're going to have :
Door Prizes, Massages, FOOD, crafts, hair-do's, a fashion show, make up people, facials, pedi's, gel toes, brow waxing, yoga and of course, ZUMBA
Put on by all the lovely ladies that teach there!
oh PS, that now includes ME! WOO! I was just hired to work there last week and i start first week in April teaching Tuesday and Thursday's at 10:30 AM! It's going to be a party so you'd better come join me!
Anyway, register for the Girls Night Out at PLGROVE.ORG
or email me for any questions regarding that evening!
There's going to be a "Health and Wholeness Expo" at Thanksgiving Point!
   go here to register and get a coupon for $3 dollars off!

I think that is all for today! I'll keep you posted on progress with the new family addition and any other announcements.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I didn't tell you about Peru huh?

I totally spaced in telling you about our Christmas in Peru!!
My dad's company flew my whole amily out there including Scott and I! IT WAS AWESOME! The weather was perfect, being together as a family was perfect! EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT!
Scott and I only got to stay out there for about a week, but that was still awesome! My parents and siblings were out there for ab out 3 weeks so they were super lucky and came home even more tan than we were! Here are some pics!

Here's the view from my dad's place.
Our first real meal out in the town- which was DELISH! Best seafood EVER!
View from he roof! CHECK OUT THAT OCEAN!
we were just a few blocks from the beach!

Just a cute sign we passes when heading to the BEACH!
We made Ami a fat sand person... awesome.


The beach house!
This was our room. YESSS

The back yard.
the peruvian love hold.

It was simply a well needed and WAY FUN vacation! EVERYONE GO TO PERU!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Empower yourself..

Hello everyonnnnne!
What an amazing beginning of the year! I can't say that enough! It's simply been amazing! like i mentioned before, I started teaching at Champion Karate West and had an awesome first night and have had the cutest people come join me to dance and work out. It's been a party!
We also added a Saturday morning class at CURVES and that was soooo fun! it was packed with fun ladies and a TON of energy! It was awesommmmme!!
I just wanna say thanks to all the awesome people that come to my classes and that have been so dedicated and supportive! I also wanna say, I LOVE NEW STUDENTS and NEW FACES so don't be shy! Come on in!!
It was so fun to see girls come from Timpanogos High School and Provo High to my classes! My heart was just so warm and I just had this overwhelming feeling of like... "YESSSSSS!!" I just wanted to jump and shout I was so excited!
Keep coming! I love new friends!

So, today's health topic comes from a sweet Youtube video from this awesome trainer, Alycia Kluegl. She's AWESOME.

In a video of hers i watched today, she talked about Common Mistakes when trying to loose weight... and in listening, I agree COMPLETELY. So many of my students when asking what they're doing wrong when starting to diet, all seem to do the following. There are 3 mistakes she mentions and I'll write em out for you here.
  1. Believing in "Magic Pills". Without hard work, they simply don't work. They're made to assist, not replace a work out. So if you use a weight loss supplement, plan on still working hard to get it to assist you. :)  I'm not going to lie, I've been using a metabolic booster and fat burning supplement that has actually helped a ton, but I only purchased it because needed that energy boost, and I knew it'd help because I work out about 15-20 hours per week. If you're way into working out or you already have a set routine and diet, I'd highly recommend it. It says it's made to "Increase Metabolism, Improve Mood, Metabolizes Fat, Cuts down Cravings." I will tell you though, for the first few days I took it, I was SUUUPER jittery because my body was getting used to it and stuff so if you have intense reactions to caffeinated supplements, they have a lower level of the same brand for you.
  2. Severely restricting calories. There are so many diets lately that are supper effective such as the HCG diet. But from what I've heard of friends and family that have actually TRIED that diet, is that the main reason it's so affective, is because you cut down calories to about 500-1000 per DAY. Your muscles have about 3500 calories they need per day. Now when loosing weight, if you want to cut down cals, cut down to about 2500, or the LOWEST is 700 to loose like 2 lbs a day, but even then that's not very healthy.  Why isnt it effective? Because your body goes into STARVATION MODE. So your metabolism shuts down. Your body tells your metabolism you're starving. It doesn't know you're just not eating, so thennnn, your body holds on to whatever fat comes in to store up to a MONTH worth of energy. The body completely stops burning fat, because it's storing whatever comes in to keep your body going in it's starvation mode. If you DO decide to cut down calories, Do it a little bit at a time so your body slows into the new diet rather than shocking it into starvation mode! Which leads me to the final mistake.
  3.  People do too much, too quick. You need to let your body accomodate to your new diet and the new weight loss it'll be going through. Don't rush it! Weight loss is a journey. In today's society we want to look good NOW. Let it happen according to your body and your fitness level. You'll get there! It just takes Eating right, Working hard, and Knowing what you want to achieve to get there! BABY STEPS!
You're all amazing! I hope that this helped you out a little bit! Check out more of Alycia's tips on and on Youtube!

Song of the day-  La Vida Es Un Carnaval- Celia Cruz.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Yeah 3x

Dang everyone. 
It's been such a crazy year already! It's only been a month! I started school and I've been teaching TONS of Zumba and living at 24 Hour Fitness, and it's been AWESOME. Loving life and loving all the people in it!

So here's the update. We've had awesome turn outs so far this year in all my Zumba classes and it's been beyond great! It' the best feeling in the world to have full classes! KEEP COMING! It's the biggest motivation for me to bring new songs every class to keep it interesting, and keep all my people on their toes!
Don't forget that your first time at Beyond Sports is FREE!


I'll be teaching at a way cool martial arts studio in Provo, so all you Provo friends can now come and I can see all your beautiful faces ALL THE TIME!
The place is Champion Karate West
3224 N University Ave
Provo, UT 84604

It's way awesome. The owner, Paul is super cool, and if you have kids interested in martial arts, take them to Champion Karate. The staff is way nice, the classes are top quality and AFFORDABLE which is way good seeing as we all like to save a few dollars on things we love right?

$5 a time, or $30 dollars for a 10 class punch pass. Bring a water bottle and a buddie!

Anyways, song of the day is the above! Yeah 3x by Chris Brown!
Learn it. Love it. 
One day I'll dance like Chris Brown!
I love you all!

Monday, January 3, 2011

I'm gonna rock your world! (Happy 2011!)

New Year! New start! 
Time for a new look?
Before i continue with this, when you're writing out your weight loss resolutions, make goals that you
CAN and WILL pursue! Don't do something like 
Loose 60 lbs 
No way. That might be possible, but aim smaller! Also, when goal setting, set a due date and and set out a plan of how you're going to achieve that goal..
In my experience, I've found without due dates, I've NEVER accomplished any goal!
Start small.

My resolutions are the following :
1. Have a Zumba Fundraiser by June 11th 2010
2. Lean Body Mass with NO EXCESS FAT by July.
3. Tone arms and abs by July to be a summer hawtie and not be embarrassed of wearing a swim suit.
4. Improve Zumba attendance in classes.

That's it.

Don't overload yourself with impossible goals!
Now for the commercial!

My amazing husband granted my Christmas wish with a 2 year 24 HOUR Membership! 
I have the best husband ever!

GO THERE! If there's any better gym, let me know! I love the equipment, employees and everything else there!  


Above is the best protein shake invented. 
25 grams of protein.
Most filling and best for a snacking beverage, or post work out refuel!
and LAST Don't forget Classes start again TOMORROW!
CURVES at 8 am!
8 pm!

See you there!